

1. They HAVE LEFT London this month. ( leave ) 2. He HAS BROUGHT a lot of English papers. ( bring ) 3. She HAS TOLD me about it. ( tell ) 4. I HAVE GOT a long letter from father this week. ( get ) 5. She (just)  HAS JUST TOLD ; she will speak to you in a minute. ( come ) 6. I have been to Radio City. ( be ) 7. I think the director has left the town. ( leave ) 8. I have painted my office. ( paint ) 9. We have known her since she arrived to our city. ( know ) 10. I have forgotten your name. ( forget ) 11. He has closed the door. ( close ) 12. He has done it since we left him. ( do ) 13. I have given him my last penny. ( give ) 14. This order has led to many misunderstandings. ( lead ) 15. He has written his name on my book. ( write ) 16. She has bought a new umbrella. ( buy ) 17. He has looked my exercise over and over. ( look ) 18. I have bought those books very cheaply. ( buy ) 19. He has worked for two months. ( work ) 20. She has found a new job.


Fill in the gaps with the right forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the following English sentences in Present Perfect Tense. 1. They London this month. ( leave ) 2. He a lot of English papers. ( bring ) 3. She me about it. ( tell ) 4. I a long letter from father this week. ( get ) 5. She (just) ; she will speak to you in a minute. ( come ) 6. I to Radio City. ( be ) 7. I think the director the town. ( leave ) 8. I my office. ( paint ) 9. We her since she arrived to our city. ( know ) 10. I your name. ( forget ) 11. He the door. ( close ) 12. He it since we left him. ( do ) 13. I him my last penny. ( give ) 14. This order to many misunderstandings. ( lead ) 15. He his name on my book. ( write ) 16. She a new umbrella. ( buy ) 17. He my exercise over and over. ( look ) 18. I those books very cheaply. ( buy ) 19. He for two months. ( work ) 20. She a new job. ( find ) 21. He very well. ( speak ) 22. The children the whole pudding. (


El presente perfecto equivale más o menos al pretérito perfecto del español . Veremos las diferencias en la sección sobre usos. En general, es una mezcla entre el presente y el pasado. Lo usamos para acciones en el pasado que tienen importancia en el presente. Grammatical Rules (Reglas gramaticales) Form (Forma) Para formar el presente perfecto, se usa el verbo auxiliar “to have” en el presente y el participio pasado del verbo . Para verbos regulares, el participio pasado es la forma simple del pasado. Ver la lección sobre el pasado simple para más información sobre como formar el pasado. Sujeto Verbo auxiliar Forma Corta Participio Pasado I, you, we, they have I’ve, you’ve, we’ve, they’ve talked, learned, traveled… he, she, it has he’s, she’s, it’s talked, learned, traveled… Nota: Ten en cuenta que hay muchos participios pasados irregulares en inglés . A continuación tienes una lista de unos de los participios pasados irregulares más comunes. Verbo Pasado Sim


1) Julie (sleep) at three o'clock. [ was sleeping ] 2) You (study) at three o'clock. [ were studying ] 3) Luke (read) at three o'clock. [ was reading ] 4) I (work) at three o'clock. [ was working ] 5) They (eat) chocolate at three o'clock. [ were eating ] 6) John (play) tennis at three o'clock. [ was playing ] 7) We (watch) TV at three o'clock. [ were watching ] 8) He (use) the internet at three o'clock. [ was using ] 9) You (cook) lunch at three o'clock. [ were cooking ] 10) We (travel) to London at three o'clock. [ were travelling ] 11) Mrs Brown (not/walk) in the garden when the murder happened. [ wasn't walking ] 12) Mr Black (not/work) in his study when the murder happened. [ wasn't working ] 13) Miss Jones (not/talk) to Mr. White when the murder happened. [ wasn't talking ] 14) You (not/play) cards when the m


Past Continuous - Positive and Negative Make the positive or negative past continuous 1) Julie (sleep) at three o'clock. 2) You (study) at three o'clock. 3) Luke (read) at three o'clock. 4) I (work) at three o'clock. 5) They (eat) chocolate at three o'clock. 6) John (play) tennis at three o'clock. 7) We (watch) TV at three o'clock. 8) He (use) the internet at three o'clock. 9) You (cook) lunch at three o'clock. 10) We (travel) to London at three o'clock. 11) Mrs Brown (not/walk) in the garden when the murder happened. 12) Mr Black (not/work) in his study when the murder happened. 13) Miss Jones (not/talk) to Mr. White when the murder happened. 14) You (not/play) cards when the murder happened. 15) Dr Ford (not/read) in his room when the murder happened. 16) Mr. and Mrs. Green (not/eat) in the dining room when the murder happened. 17) Mr Blue (n


El pasado continuo se utiliza para acciones que estaban pasando en un momento específico en el pasado . Como el presente continuo, se forma con el verbo auxiliar “ to be ” y el verbo+ing. Grammatical Rules (Reglas gramaticales) Form (Forma) Para formar el pasado continuo se utiliza el verbo auxiliar “to be” y el verbo+ing. El verbo auxiliar “ to be ” está en el pasado simple, pero ten en cuenta que “ to be ” es un verbo irregular. Sujeto Auxiliar (to be) Verb+ing I, he, she, it was talk ing , eat ing , learn ing , do ing , go ing … you, we, they were talk ing , eat ing , learn ing , do ing , go ing … Structure (Estructura) 1. Affirmative Sentences (Frases afirmativas) Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to be) + verbo+ing. Ejemplos:   I was talking . (Estaba hablando.)   He was eating . (Estaba comiendo.)   They were learning . (Estaban aprendiendo.) 2. Negative Sentences (Frases negativas) Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to be) + “not” + verbo+ing. Ejemplos: