Fill in the gaps with the right forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the following English sentences in Present Perfect Tense.
1. They London this month. (leave)
2. He a lot of English papers. (bring)
3. She me about it. (tell)
4. I a long letter from father this week. (get)
5. She (just) ; she will speak to you in a minute. (come)
6. I to Radio City. (be)
7. I think the director the town. (leave)
8. I my office. (paint)
9. We her since she arrived to our city. (know)
10. I your name. (forget)
11. He the door. (close)
12. He it since we left him. (do)
13. I him my last penny. (give)
14. This order to many misunderstandings. (lead)
15. He his name on my book. (write)
16. She a new umbrella. (buy)
17. He my exercise over and over. (look)
18. I those books very cheaply. (buy)
19. He for two months. (work)
20. She a new job. (find)
21. He very well. (speak)
22. The children the whole pudding. (eat)
23. You many detective stories. (read)
24. Our team the first prize. (win)
25. My little daughter her finger with a knife. (cut)

Fill in the spaces below using either Just, Yet Or Already.

1. Don't come in here with those muddy shoes!! I have cleaned this floor!!!
2. Have you finished that composition for History class ? You only started an hour ago!!
3. I don't want to see "Alien 9" at the cinema again. I've seen it twice.
4. I'm sorry. You have missed Katie. She left the office about three minutes ago!
5. Haven't you finished that composition for history class ? You started over four hours ago!!
6. Oh, nothing for me, thank you. I've eaten. I had dinner less than an hour ago.
7. You've finished your dinner ! You must have been starving!
8. "Have you called Yasmin to wish her luck for the exam today?" "No, not . I'll do it now!"
9. Kathy knows all about pizza and pasta, don't you Kathy? You've returned from a month in Umbria.
10. Yes, I know David. We have been introduced. It was at a party last week.

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