
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2018


Put the verbs into the simple past: Last year I (go)  went  to England on holiday. It (be)  was  fantastic. I (visit)  visited  lots of interesting places. I (be)  was  with two friends of mine . In the mornings we (walk)  walked  in the streets of London. In the evenings we (go)  went  to pubs. The weather (be)  was  strangely fine. It (not / rain)  did not rain  a lot. But we (see)  saw  some beautiful rainbows. Where (spend / you)  did you spend  your last holiday? Write the past forms of the irregular verbs. Infinitive Simple Past 1. meet met 2. drive drove 3. speak spoke 4. put put 5. write wrote 6. sing sang 7. do did 8. sit sat 9. stand stood 10. run ran Put the sentences into simple past. We move to a new house. →  We moved to a new house. They bring a sandwich. →  They brought a sandwich. He doesn't do the homework. →  He did not do the homework. They sell c


Put the verbs into the simple past: Last year I (go) to England on holiday. It (be) fantastic. I (visit) lots of interesting places. I (be) with two friends of mine . In the mornings we (walk) in the streets of London. In the evenings we (go) to pubs. The weather (be) strangely fine. It (not / rain) a lot. But we (see) some beautiful rainbows. Where (spend / you) your last holiday?  Write the past forms of the irregular verbs. Infinitive Simple Past 1. meet . 2. drive . 3. speak . 4. put . 5. write . 6. sing . 7. do . 8. sit . 9. stand . 10. run . Put the sentences into simple past. We move to a new house. → They bring a sandwich. → He doesn't do the homework. → They sell cars. → Does he visit his friends? → Write sentences in simple past. Janet / miss / the bus → she / tidy / her room → Nancy / watch / not / television→ she / re


Funciones del "Past Simple" El "Past Simple" se utiliza para hablar de una acción que concluyó en un tiempo anterior al actual . La duración no es relevante. El tiempo en que se sitúa la acción puede ser el pasado reciente o un pasado lejano. Ejemplos John Cabot sailed to America in 1498. My father died last year. He lived in Fiji in 1976. We crossed the Channel yesterday. Siempre se utiliza el "Past Simple" para referirse a cuándo ocurrió algo, de modo que va asociado a ciertas expresiones temporales que indican: frecuencia : often, sometimes, always I sometimes walked home at lunchtime. I often brought my lunch to school. un tiempo determinado : last week, when I was a child, yesterday, six weeks ago We saw a good film last week . Yesterday , I arrived in Geneva. She finished her work at seven o'clock I went to the theatre last night un tiempo indeterminado : the other day,


Answers 1. camping 2. swimming 3. travelling 4. walking 5. having 6. writing 7. cooking 8. shopping Answers 1. His dad and brother are cycling to the shops. 2. We aren´t travelling in Japan. 3. I am sunbathing on the beach. 4. She isn´t watching TV. 5. They aren´t swimming in the sea. 6. Sue is staying at home today. Answers 1. Is your dad working today? Yes, he is. 2. Are you having a good time on holiday? Yes, I have. 3. Is your mum cooking dinner now? Yes, she is. 4. Are your friends playing football? Yes, they are. Answers 1. Where are you going on holiday ? 2. What is he cooking for dinner? 3. Who is going to England? 4. Where are you staying? Answers 1. I am watching a reality show on TV. 2. My favourite team is winning! 3. Someone is swimming in the sea. 4. Two people are cooking dinner on the beach. 5. We aren´t watching a soap opera. 6. I´m not doing my homework. 7. Mum is reading a magazine. 8. My bro


Present Continuous Exercises Add the -ing 1. camp ______________ 2. swim ______________ 3. travel______________ 4. walk ______________ 5. have ______________ 6. write ______________ 7. cook ______________ 8. shop ______________ Complete the sentences 1. His dad and brother ________(cycle) to the shops. 2. We __________ (not travel) in Japan. 3. I __________ (sunbathe) on the beach. 4. She __________ (not watch) TV. 5. They __________ (not swim) in the sea. 6. Sue __________ (stay) at home today. Write the questions and the short answers 1. your dad / work / today /? _____________________________ Yes, _________________________ 2. you / have a good time / on holiday / ? _____________________________ Yes, _________________________ 3. your mum / cook dinner / now / ? _____________________________ Yes, _________________________ 4. your friends / play football / ? _____________________________ Yes, ______________________


Formación del "Present Continuous" El "present continuous" de cualquier verbo se compone de dos partes: el presente del verbo to be + el "present participle" del verbo principal. (Para formar el "present participle": raíz+ing, e.g. talking, playing, moving, smiling) Afirmativa Sujeto + to be + raíz + ing She is talking. Negativa Sujeto + to be + not + raíz + ing She is not (isn't) talking Interrogativa to be + sujeto + raíz + ing Is she talking? Ejemplos: TO GO, "Present Continuous" Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa I am going I am not going Am I going? You are going You aren't going. Are you going? He, she, it is going He, she, it isn't going Is he, she, it going? We are going


Choose the correct form of the follwing verbs: wake(s) up - open(s) - speak(s) - take(s) - do(es) - cause(s) - live(s) - play(s) - close(s) - live(s) - drink(s) Ann  plays  handball very well. I never  drink  coffee. The swimming pool  opens  at 7:00 in the morning. It  closes  at 9:00 in the evening. Bad driving  causes  many accidents. My parents  live  in a very small flat. The Olympic Games  take  place every four years. They are good students. They always  do  their homework. My students  speak  a little English. I always  wake up   early in the morning. Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form: Jane (not/drink)  does not drink / doesn't drink  tea very often. What time (the banks/open)  do the banks open  in Britain? Where (John/come)  does John come  from? It (take)  takes  me an hour to get to work. She (not/wake)  does not wake up / doesn't wake  up early on Sundays. Choose the right verbs to complete the sentences. Sometimes


Choose the correct form of the following verbs: wake(s) up - open(s) - speak(s) - take(s) - do(es) - cause(s) - live(s) - play(s) - close(s) - live(s) - drink(s) Ann handball very well. I never coffee. The swimming pool at 7:00 in the morning. It at 9:00 in the evening. Bad driving many accidents. My parents in a very small flat. The Olympic Games place every four years. They are good students. They always their homework. My students a little English. I always early in the morning. Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form: Jane (not/drink) tea very often. What time (the banks/open) in Britain? Where (John/come) from? It (take) me an hour to get to work. She (not/wake) up early on Sundays. Choose the right verbs to complete the sentences. Sometimes you need the negative: write - turn - eat - tell - rise The earth around the sun. The sun in the east. Vegetarians meat. A liar is someone who the truth. A novelist n


El "Present Simple" se utiliza: Para expresar hábitos y rutinas, hechos generales, acciones repetidas o situaciones, emociones y deseos permanentes: I smoke (hábito); I work in London (permanencia); London is a large city (hecho general) Para dar instrucciones o indicaciones: You walk for two hundred meters, then you turn left. Para hablar de eventos programados, presentes o futuros: Your exam starts at 09.00. Para referirse al futuro, detrás de algunas conjunciones: after, when, before, as soon as, until : He'll give it to you when you come next Saturday. ¡Cuidado! El "Present Simple" no se utiliza para hablar de lo que está ocurriendo en este momento. Ejemplos Hábitos y rutinas He drink s tea at breakfast. She only eat s fish. They watch television regularly. Eventos y acciones repetidos We catch the bus every morning. It rain s every afternoon in the hot season. T